three roses farm

I've never been much of a girly girl.

as a young’in, i detested having my hair curled (or even brushed, for that matter); nail polish was — and continues to be — an enigma to me; and frilly dresses always felt overly precious and simply wrong for my personality. i still feel very much this way about the common tropes of what make a person ‘feminine’ and instead gravitate toward feminine beauty that expresses itself in traits of strength, individualism, independence + general bad-assery. leading such a lifestyle, as one may imagine, leaves little time or tolerance for fussy attire, or finding that perfect shade of lipstick. time is instead spent in the pursuit of passions, the honing of skills and maybe even some self-reflection and personal discovery if the agenda allows.

nothing against physical beauty or qualities of polished-ness, i’m just busy.

all that is to say, when it comes to finding fellow women of a similar Neo-femme persuasion, pickin’s can be slim. however, when you do find that friend who not only expresses every trait of femininity and strength that you hold important, but also leads a life of humble yet pristine beauty, you hold on with all the strength your non-skinny arms can muster.

a few weeks back, I had the luxury of spending a weekend at Three roses farm, a tranquil bit of land nestled in southern San Luis Obispo county that has been crafted into a haven by my dear friend of 15+ years, Shannon len. an artist at heart and a fine jeweler by trade, shan’s hands have formed countless stunning adornments and accessories, a small collection of which i’ve treasured myself for many years. beyond this, she is a businesswoman — being the founder of the landmark boutique Len collective — a wife, mother, empath and a true expander to so many who know her.

after months of dm’s, catch-up texts and brief phone calls to check in on the state of each others’ lives mid-pandemic, it was bliss to have a weekend to ourselves to laze about, shake cocktails and chat pool-and ocean-side about all that’s happening in our lives. the central coast summer weather obliged us and set a balmy backdrop for two days and nights ideal for bonding between two long-time friends and souls cut from a similar cloth. politics, business, family and manifestation all bubbled up in easy conversation that seemed to lay itself across our days and spike our drinks at night.

in a time of such isolation and aloneness, having a friend whose light not only shines brightly but seems to enhance your own, is valuable beyond measure.

cheers to girls’ weekends with similar souls forever.


follow @threerosesfarm | shop @lencollective & keep an eye out for @lencollectivekids coming soon

Corina RoseComment